


时间 :2018年06月21日   来源于:煤转化国家重点实验室

德国弗赖贝格工业大学Bernd Meyer教授获批“2018年度中国科学院国际人才计划-国际杰出学者”。在该计划的支持下,应王建国所长的邀请,Bernd Meyer教授来所访问,并举办系列学术交流活动。
报告一:Germany’s R&D Activities forCarbon Resources – a Snapshot of Current Developments
The presentation provides an overview of Germany’s R&D activities and innovations in the field of chemical utilization of carbon resources, and the potential it represents for carbon conversion technologies with low CO2 emissions. Germany is heavily dependent on carbon resource imports (i.e. oil and gas) to satisfy its primary energy demand. However, the country possesses significant amount of domestic lignite resources which is currently only utilized for electricity and heat production. Similarly, a significant proportion of carbon-containing waste in the country is energetically recycled i.e. combusted to produce electricity and heat. This linear carbon economy is associated with considerable CO2 emissions. With Germany’s Energy Transition Project (“Energiewende”), there is a fundamental change in the country’s utilization of primary and secondary carbon sources in the electricity, mobility, heating and chemical sectors. The current presentation concentrates on current initiatives and intensified R&D activities in Germany relating to thermo-chemical conversion processes for the sustainable use of the country’s domestic primary (i.e. coal) and secondary (i.e. waste) carbon resources via chemical utilization. The demands on politics and R&D to support an accelerated market implementation of urgently required technologies to support such a transition from a linear to a circular carbon economy and the structural change in coal mining regions due to the stepwise decrease in coal power generation will be analyzed. To conclude, an overview of the initiative and international activities by the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft (弗劳恩霍夫协会) to promote a circular carbon economy through sustainable chemical utilization of domestic carbon resources will be introduced.
报告二:Demands on Conversion Technologies for the Sustainable Utilization of Carbon Sources
Coal and carbon-containing waste are valuable primary and secondary carbon carriers. In the current dominant linear economy, such carbon resources are generally combusted to produce electricity and heat and as a way to resolve a nation‘s waste issue. Not only is this a wastage of precious carbon resources which can be chemically utilized as raw materials for the production of other value-added goods, it is also contrary to international efforts to reduce carbon emissions and increase resource efficiency and conservation. This presentation evaluates the demands on conversation technologies in order to support a transformation from a linear “one-way cradle to grave manufacturing model” towards a circular carbon economy. In particular the utilization of waste as alternative raw material for the chemical industry offers a viable and future-oriented perspective for closing the carbon cycle. Further benefits include a lowering of the carbon footprint and increasing resource efficiency and conservation of primary and secondary carbon resources.
In this presentation, an overview is given on available gasification technologies for chemical utilization of carbon sources as well as past and present waste-to-chemical projects such as the Sekund?rrohstoff-Verwertungszentrum Schwarze Pumpe GmbH (SVZ) and High Temperature Winkler (HTW) gasification plant for waste recycling in Berrenrath near Cologne in Germany. The demands on gasification technologies for the sustainable conversion of carbon sources are determined. These criteria include the technological suitability for waste gasification, the maximum product carbon recovery rate and the minimal demand for renewable hydrogen to achieve net zero emission.
Available technologies as well as next generation gasification technologies are discussed under these criteria to demonstrate the necessity of further development in the field in order to enable gasification to become a viable and indispensable conversion route for the sustainable utilization of carbon resources by carbon intensive industries.
Bernd Meyer教授,能源工艺工程和化学工程研究所,德国弗莱贝格工业大学。
Bernd Meyer教授是在德国弗莱贝格工业大学担任能源工艺工程和化学工程研究所(IEC)主任和能源工艺工程和热废物处理研究所(EVT)的教授。在2008到2015年间,他还当选为德国佛莱贝格工业大学的校长。
Meyer教授曾获俄罗斯国立矿业大学(Dnipropetrovsk/Ukraine)和俄罗斯矿业大学(Gorny)颁发的荣誉博士学位,以及俄罗斯莫斯科大学(Lomonossov Moscow State University/Russia)的荣誉教授,以被中国科学院(2018)授予杰出科学家。2012年至2015年,他还担任可持续发展大学世界论坛(WFURS)主席。Meyer教授除了是多个会议、期刊和组织的顾问委员会成员、编辑委员会成员和发言人外,他还积极参与国内外利用褐煤和天然气制备合成气、发电等研究。在他的职业生涯中,发表了250多篇科学学术论文,在国际会议做大会会议报告60余次,拥有100多项有关固定床、流化床和气流床气化技术相关的专利。近五年来,Bernd Meyer教授作为项目负责人承担了与煤气化相关的项目近20项,总经费约12790万欧元。
自2017年以来,Meyer教授还是德国哈雷市弗劳恩霍夫材料和系统微观结构研究所(IMW S)化学转化业务的负责人。
中国科学院为了进一步深入实施国际化推进战略,快速提升院科研队伍的国际化水平,在全球范围内吸引和利用优秀科技人才,根据“深化国际化推进战略整体实施方案”,部署实施了“中国科学院国际人才计划”(以下简称“国际人才计划”,英文全称为CAS President’s International Fellowship Initiative”,英文简称为PIFI)。