应煤转化国家重点实验室王建国研究员邀请,美国密歇根理工大学首任麦克阿瑟讲席教授胡云行将于6月19日~21日访问重点实验室,并做题为“Carbon Nano-Materials for Energy Application”的学术报告。
Because of the bonding flexibility of carbon, carbon-based materials exhibit various structures with a large variety of physical and chemical properties. Three-dimensional carbon allotropes (graphite and diamond) have been known from the earliest history. The zero-dimensional carbon fullerenes and one-dimensional carbon nanotubes were discovered within the last 30 years. Furthermore, isolated two-dimensional graphene, which is a one-atom thick carbon layer with hexagonal ‘‘honeycomb” lattice, was experimentally obtained 10 years ago. Actually, the discovery of those nano-structured carbon materials is one of the most important developments in science and engineering. In this lecture, Prof. Hu is going to discuss his research for (a) the defect structures and the endohedral complexes of C60, (b) the stability and structure of atomic carbon chains, and (c) the synthesis and application of three dimensional graphene sheets for energy.
胡云行博士是美国密歇根理工大学首任麦克阿瑟讲席教授。他是美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow)、美国化工学会会士(AIChE Fellow)、英国皇家化学会会士(RSC Fellow)。2014年,当选美国化学会能源与燃料分会主席。2015年,当选国际氢气能源协会储氢分会主席。他是4本美国化学会系列丛书的主编,9个国际学术杂志的编委和4个国际学术杂志的客座主编。他先后主持过30次国际学术会议,并在国际学术会议、世界著名大学和研究中心做特邀报告100多次。他获江西大学(现南昌大学)化学学士学位,中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所化学硕士学位,厦门大学物理化学博士学位。他的研究包括纳米材料、清洁能源、储氢材料、二氧化碳转化、催化、量子化学计算和太阳能源等。他在国际著名学术杂志上发表学术论文150多篇,引用超过5000次。