应煤转化国家重点实验室和李南文研究员邀请,天津大学外专“千人计划”Michael D. Guiver教授将于5月24日访问我所,并做
题为“New Developments in Microporous Polymer Membranes”的学术报告。
Intrinsic microporosity is defined as a continuous network of interconnected intermolecular microcavities, which is formed as a consequence of the contorted shape and chain rigidity of the polymer structure. The restricted chain rotation originating from sites of contortion or spiro centers leads to an inefficiently packed matrix with high free volume elements, typically above 20% FFV. ‘Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity’ (PIMs) are high-free-volume microporous solvent-soluble polymers having rigid ladder-like structures incorporating contorted centers. With high surface areas, PIMs are considered as promising materials for membrane-based separations because of high product throughput or flux. In particular, they have been explored for non-aqueous nanofiltration (Imperial College) and more widely for gas separation, because of their very high gas permeability. In 2004, Budd and McKeown reported ‘PIM-1’ and other related structures, as a new class of high molecular weight microporous ladder polymer. Since the first published reports of PIM-1, the area of PIMs for gas separation has grown rapidly. Highlights of some of the speaker’s and several other researchers’ work on PIMs will be given, particularly on more recent work on a related class of microporous polyimides incorporating Tr?ger’s Base (TB), which is a rigid non-planar bridged bicyclic amine.
Michael D. Guiver教授简介:
Michael D. Guiver毕业于伦敦大学贝德福德学院,并于加拿大卡尔顿大学获得博士学位,先后担任加拿大国家研究院首席高级研究员,韩国汉阳大学首席教授。Guiver教授现为天津大学内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室“千人计划”全职教授,主要从事膜材料及其应用研究,并担任Journal of Membrane Science副主编,Macromolecules , ACS Macro Letters编委等。已在Science (IF 33.61), Nature(41.45), Nature Materials (IF 36.50), Progress in Polymer Science (IF 27.42), Energy & Environmental Science (IF 20.52), Advanced Materials (17.49), Advanced Functional Materials (IF 11.80), AngewandteChemie Int. Ed. (IF 11.26), Chemical Communications (IF 6.83), Chemistry of Materials (IF 8.25), ChemSusChem (IF 7.66), Journal of Materials Chemistry A (IF 7.44), Journal of Power Sources (IF 6.22), Macromolecules (34篇,IF 5.80), Journal of Membrane Science (45篇,IF 5.06)等期刊上发表SCI论文192篇。论文总引用次数8000余次。