

关于举办题为“Visible light catalytic conversion of biomass to chemicals” 学术报告的通知

时间 :2023年12月02日   来源于:煤炭高效低碳利用全国重点实验室

应煤炭高效低碳利用全国重点实验室郑占丰研究员邀请,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学朱怀勇教授来实验室访问交流,并作题为“Visible light catalytic conversion of biomass to chemicals”的学术报告。

时  间2023125日(周二),09:30~12:00

地  点:能源楼第二会议室(讲课式)


HuaiYong ZhuProfessor of Physical Chemistry, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. Graduated from Inner Mongolia University in 1982, awarded a Master degree at Nankai University in 1986 and PhD degree at University of Antwerp (UIA), Belgium. He’s research field mainly include: (1) Photocatalysis of metal nanoparticles on support (a world-leading group in this area). (2) Advanced sorbents for removal of radioactive ions and extraction of lithium ions. (3) Separation by the filters with a separation layer of ceramic nanofibers or optical trapping. He has co-authored 243 research outputs, including in 10 papers Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 8 papers in J. Am. Chem. Soc, one in Chem, two in Adv. Mater., one in Energy Environ. Sci., two in Nat. Commun. Citations of his work is over 22,000 and his h-index is 79. 

