时间 :2016年05月26日 来源于:煤转化国家重点实验室
时间 :2016年05月26日 来源于:煤转化国家重点实验室
应郭向云、覃勇研究员邀请,德国锡根大学姜辛教授来实验室访问,并做题为“Diamond Composite Films: Synthesis, Properties and Applications”的讲座。
时间:2016年5月27日 9:00
Diamond/β-SiC composite films have been fabricated using chemical vapor deposition techniques. The ultimate goal is to create a superior material with combined advantages of both diamond and β-SiC for a wide range of applications, such as tribological and biological coatings, sensors, windows for harsh environment, and electronic devices etc. In this presentation, the recent processes made in the synthesis, characterization and applications of the diamond/β-SiC composite films are presented.
The presentation will start from the deposition of nanocrystalline diamond/β-SiC composite films and then move on to the introduction of our recent results in controlling the crystal quality, conductivity, phase distribution and orientation of both diamond and β-SiC phases in the composite films by carefully manipulating the deposition parameters. The application of the composite films for the fabrication of porous diamond network and porous SiC membrane with large surface area will be highlighted. Subsequently, the usage of the composite film as cutting tool coating as well as substrates for sensor applications, i.e., biosensor and sensor for trace heavy metal detection, will be presented to shed some light on the future application of the films. In the end of the presentation, our recent results in using SiC as the catalyst during the CVD process for the fabrication of SiC/graphene composite structure, i.e. SiC/graphene nanolaminate, will be presented.
姜辛,博士,教授,德国锡根大学机械工程系表面技术与材料工程研究所所长(2003- )、中国科学院金属研究所功能薄膜与界面研究部主任(2011- )、中组部千人计划专家(2013)、大连理工大学长江学者讲座教授;德国弗朗霍夫表面工程和薄膜技术研究所(FhG- IST)资深科学家(1991-2003);德国布伦瑞克技术大学材料科学国家博士(Dr. rer. nat. habil) (1998);德国亚琛工业大学(RWTH)自然科学博士学位(1990)。其研究领域包括特殊功能薄膜的生长设计与可控制备、纳米新材料的合成与物性研究、材料界面设计及机理研究、薄膜及纳米新材料的表面功能化。在包括Science等在内的国际一流期刊发表论文240多篇、出版专著/书章节8部、多次主持国际大会并做大会邀请报告。